Display 801-820, Total 867 data, 2024-05-19
iPhone 52012-09-26

iPhone 5, 2012 SEP, f4 1/60sec ISO800 [at 50mm], Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II


Silhouette (2006-07-08) @ Angkor


要修鍊能在新時代天元突破的必殺技能, 十年前習得的嘴炮與技術已落後了。

PSP1000 7年之後2012-10-09


今天為大家介紹的是: 2005年5月10日加入麥大叔團隊的PSP1000型戰鬥機: 簡稱小P。

他曾陪我數過無數個關渡-樹林的通勤日, 伴我環島, 陪我飛過數十萬公里...


不過去年某個時候, 小P的螢幕由於欠缺照料, 就在我的包裡爆炸了

上周我突然心血來潮, 在amazon訂了個psp1000的sharp螢幕, 才15美金含運, 超便宜的!

然後就在剛剛把小P修好了啊! 超爽的咧

雖然前幾個月才買了新歡PSVita, 不過美版的psvita遊戲真的少到一種哭爸的程度...

終於, 小P我們又可以一起機器人大戰了!! 耶嗚~
Yolas coffee2015-01-03
吃完飯後, 聽老婆唱歌
Michigan Stadium2014-05-13

Max is in the center of M
Oring trip


Day1 Salt Lake City -> Arches Natl park (Camping)
宿: Devils Garden Campground No.32 $20

Day2: Natl Park -> Cortez, CO
宿: Motel

Day3: Mersa Verde -> Monument Valley -> Page -Horseshoe Bend
宿: Camping

Day4: Page -> Horseshoe bend -> Antelope Valley -> Page
宿: Motel

Day5: Paria Canyon -> Grand Canyon
宿: Camping

Day6: Grand Canyon -> Hover Dam-> Las Vegas
宿: Motel

Day7: Las Vegas -> Zion -> Bruce Canyon
宿: Camping

Day8: Bruce Canyon -> Salt Lake City
宿: Motel

Day9: Salt Lake City -> Madison

Ting-Li photography exhibition2014-05-05

Ting-Li exhibition in 800 UBD gallery.

Best wishes!
Afternoon at Starbucks, Madison
Upper Peninsula2013-10-08

Upper Peninsula U.P. 密西根上半島之旅

10月第一周, 麥大叔請了一天假, 組成了三天的週末,

前往密西根上半島 (英文簡稱為UP) Road Trip...


Day 1: Madison, WI -> Munising, MI

  • HIWATHA National Foredst

  • Pictured Rocks Cruise

Day2: Munising, MI -> Sault Ste Marie, MI

  • Tahquamenon Falls State Park

  • Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum

Day3: Sault Ste Marie, MI -> Madison, WI

  • Sault Ste Marie City: Soo Locks, Historical Tower

  • Mackniac Bridge at St. Ignace

  • Manistique Lighthouse

  • Palm Books State Park


以後每年秋天都要去一趟才行, 真的超美的! 不虛此行。



幫妹記錄一下, 沒記錯本周一是我妹兩條貓的開始之日。



這三隻虎斑要相見最快的方式就是從金門把小虎二號偷渡回家了 (當然是開玩笑的! 哈哈)


爽片! 玩命關頭6

最近看了很多電影, 但唯一想寫的就這部 Fast & Furious 6 速度與激情

劇情其實邏輯是不怎麼通的, 例如兩個窩裡反的女人我就很看不明白...

但是 BUT!!!

爽度一流啊! 實在太可惜小麥城沒有 i-Max 版本, 動作場景相當華麗而且扯蛋!

由其是飛天熊抱那招, 媽呀...連我都想鼓掌了 (笑)


二話不說, 全資源用上在家看完第三集, 結果第三集只是講一個中二飆車手的曲折故事。


好吧言盡於此, 回到第六集上頭, 爽片還是值得一看的。

可喜可賀, 我家的女人終於又長了一歲了哦~~

看看麥夫人自己精選的6歲蠟蠋, 多麼地詩情畫意啊!

當然, 這麼重要的日子只是個蛋糕, 好像有點容易吼...


噹噹! 話說鑽石是女人的好朋友? 不曉得是誰家的廣告詞, 麥夫人時常在我耳邊洗腦,

加上上次送她的斯華洛斯奇耳環似乎不受好評, 於是果斷地帶上麥夫人領取鑽石耳環一對。


瞧瞧, 指揮艇組合!!


最後, 還是不免八股一下:

祝福我親愛的老婆生日快樂~ 吼耶!

品的重聚 2月16日

Ping 是麥大叔的大學學妹, 但卻是我的研究所同學。總是是位很有趣的朋友。

自研究所畢業 (潛逃) 後, 大叔本想回台灣老東家繼續服務, 不過...



套句我現在的老闆的名言就是: 『 Make your wife happy, then you will be happy all the time!! 』

簡單說生活中若是讓老婆有點不爽, 就只能走著瞧了。

話說回來, 品畢業後回台灣就進了老東家的研發部門, 果真是人因工程的大將啊!

想想我當年只能進製造鬼混一陣, 而現在卻是用嘴炮當半個PM, 要能貼上RD的貼紙還是不簡單低!

總之, 當晚與品聊了許多事情, 也讓我回憶起過去穿著藍領制服的拚命歲月, 很是要得。


高中大學從沒有分開過, 大學畢業後訂婚, 而年前才剛新婚完成。

品選擇在蜜月之旅路上重回麥城, 想必這裡有著不少她的回憶~~

麥大叔本想送台彩虹機給她做紀念, craiglist 上看見正好公司附近有人在賣,

不過這陣子實在工作的事情實在太煩雜, 每天接不完的電話和回不完的信...

抽不出時間去拿, 只好翻箱送她 Job-Pro 一台。心意到了, 畢竟我也蠻喜歡這台鮮黃色拍立得~


雖然現時麥大叔在美國打工, 工時少了台灣很多。


難道只能期許下一份工作了嗎? 科科!  加州~ 要再等我一下嘛!!

Django Unchained (電影決殺令心得)

今年麥大叔開工看的第一部電影: Django Unchained。

據說台灣3月份才會上檔, 這個翻譯的名字蠻鳥的, 台灣的上片公司能不能想一個新的?

例如: 獎金獵人江果 or 江果殺很大 ...之類的。應該比較符合故事的主軸。

看看這個: 決殺令? 是殺很大沒錯啦, 但是太不直白了!

劇情就先不寫了, 用一句話描寫的話就是上面兩個我幫忙取的譯名。



因為導演昆汀塔倫提諾Quentin Tarantino是拍 Kill Bill (殺死比爾) 系列...



由於這電影中的江果的最終決戰場景也設定在密西西比州, 再從影片裡的非常多面向,


我稍稍google了一下這段密州的歷史, 似乎即使到了這個世紀, 在密州人心中仍是分割不開的情結啊!

最後回到電影本身, 劇情本身並沒有太大的爆點,


如果你喜歡爆頭般的殺很大, 江果殺很大 2個半小時保證你看的很爽。

但若是初交往的情侶, 除非你倆同時對電影有獨到的眼光, 還是換一部吧。




2013年, 向偉大的航路出發!!
Why Realtors need a floor plan2015-07-29

A floor plan makes your real estate listing unique

As a successful Realtor, you may already know how important the listing photos could help you in attracting buyers’ eyes, and make them move to you. It is no longer a secret in the real estate market. But, do you ever see a floor plan was included in an MLS website? Rarely. I would say only 1 out of 500 listings would have a floor plan. Frankly speaking, expense to create a floor plan is the reason that why a Realtor could not be able to provide one, although, according to Realtors.com, there are still over than 80% of home buyers would like to have a floor plan of those interested properties on hand, and would love to see an interactive floor plan with little icons with pop-up photos. Luckily, if you are the Realtors in south central Wisconsin, your problem is solved. As a professional engineer, I am able to create relatively precise floor plans with a low cost at $99 (per floor or 1,600sqft) that can be included in your listing material. Follow up, let me tell you how a floor plan could effectively increase your selling power.

On an open-house day

Printed floor plan will be a very impressive handout for home buyers on an open-house day. A buyer may consider much more than you thought. He may think about where to relocate his piano or fitness equipment, or is he able to move his large items to the basement? What dimension is the kitchen? What width is the hallway or the stair? All these kind of questions reveals that why a floor plan on hand will be helpful. By answering these questions with a precise dimension, will definitely reveal your professionals. People will be impressed by you. Moreover, buyers with a floor plan can explore the home on their own. Just figuring it like exploring a corn maze in your childhood. It can provide a unique customer experience for quiet customers. After the open-house event, people will remember the property because you were the one who hand them a specific floor plan other than a brochure, and then, you will be picked up. This counts for everything.

Interactive floor plan

Buyers are not able to picture the layout of a property if photos are the only content provided. Beautiful and bright photos have become a standard marketing tool in this market, so you must create an unusual user experience on the internet to help you market a property. Providing a visual tour with slideshows and videos is an option, but do you know that most visual tour services are outdated. Nowadays, people tend to use mobile devices to surfing on the internet even when they are at home. This is also a reason that why as a Realtor need to reconsider about implementing an interactive floor plan on their website. Just browse your visual tour service with your mobile device, and compare it with ours here. The snowforest.co interactive floor plan embed with photos is the best among all visual tour services. Prospective buyers will be able to know where and what this photo was taken, and it help them to build up a visual sense of a whole property, and then the most important of all, the interactive floor plan bring buyers to you.

Again, why do you Realtors need a floor plan? Is it worth to invest? An analysis done by Redfin Corp., a Seattle-based brokerage, indicated that listing better photos is worth than $1,000 or more. There is no official study that tells you how a floor plan will be worth at, however, being able to provide a mobile friendly visual tour and help home buyers to decide whether to keep or eliminate a property on their “wish-to-see-list”. If a virtual tour service, such as snowforest.co, has done very well, it is much more likely that the property will be kept in the list, and you will be called. This way develops a positive cycle, not only buyers and you will be able to save tons of time, and benefit you in multi-ways, including customer sanctification, website statistics and average time in the sell. So, why not include a floor plan in your marketing material?


Reedsburg downtown2015-08-04

f5.6 1/640sec ISO100 [at 70.00mm]Canon EF24-70L, Canon EOS 5DS

A colorful downtown.
Mobile Friendly2015-08-08

I've been working to add the responsive website feature to ymc2.com.
And finally, it's online. WOO-HOO~