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Place Report development2016-09-27

Place.Report development

1. Website statement:
1. Place.Report is a Google Map API application which helps Sales to identify possible local customers.
2. Place.Report was an idea came out while developing the StreetView.cc website, both websites apply the same algorithm but pick up different target audiences.

2. Release Note
First released on 9/27, 2016 v2.0 (from streetview v1.3)
a. Functions:
[Public] Target Area Search, Store Search, Place.Report
[Priviate] MyPlaces, Place.Rank

b. Support Countries:
US, United States
TW, Taiwan

c. Target Audiences:
Sales: door-to-door, telephone
Marketing company
Local store owners

d. Keywords:
Geomarketing, Store Research, Marketing ROI measurement

3. Bug Report / Discussion
Please leave a comment below if there was an issue or anything you would like to discuss
Max Chen2015-08-01

>> 中文版

Hey~ Nice to meet you~

I'm Max Chen <u870820@gmail.com>, an engineer, backpacker, photographer, web programmer, and blogger.

I have an M.S in Industrial System Engineering from UW-Madison, and I've worked at ASUSTek Inc., PEGATRON corp., and now Hankscraft Inc.. In the past, I did research in the UW-Madison Naturalistic Decision Making and Simulation Lab with Dr. Douglas Wiegmann , and at the Waisman Center. My research interests were focused on User Experience, Aviation Safety and Patient Safety.

I am a professional in project management and quality engineering, and I enjoy working on "complex problem" projects with hard to identify root causes or projects involving with cross-functional teams. I make a living by utilizing my knowledge and experience in both the quality and manufacturing fields. I am also a certified six sigma black belt of the American Society for Quality.

I was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and I have lived in Prague, Czech for 2 years, Shanghai, China for 3 years, and I now live in Madison, Wisconsin. Traveling and seeing the world is what brings excitement to me in life. While traveling I found a passion for photography. Taking photos and sharing what I have seen has become my treasure. In 2003 I launched a blog to present my photography.

In my free time, I like to do web programming. After not finding a photo album service I liked, I decided to code on for myself, it is called Max Chen Photo Database. It was just a start, my other web application could be found here(mandarin). In addition, my latest web project isPlace.Report which utilized Google Maps API and Facebook Graph API, a data-mining informative service.

In mid 2015, I started a new adventure with Ting-Li Lin. We set up Snowforest, a company specialzing in architecture photography and beyond. Snowforest's mission is to deliver artful images and to ensure every customer is satisfied. Snowforest is a new challenge and a new chance to us, and I devote myself in it and like to picture a wonderful future with it.

In my leisure time, I enjoy swimming, running, reading, watching movies, and playing games. I am not good at writing, but I will try my best to record thoughts, studies, and stories in here. I would like to share my life experiences with my friends and future generations. Someday, we will become someones' memory, and here is the best place to remember me.

Below is a list of social medias I am using. Let's exchange our thoughts via:


twitterfacebook: mandarin

Edited by Max Chen on Oct 10, 2016. Thank you Tara for proof reading.

Max and his camera.
Max was waiting to take a sunset

Max in Grand Canyon.
Max in Grand Canyon.

Tingli and I were at Grand Teton
Max and Tingli were at Grand Teton.

ISS Photo Contest 2010, UW-Madison2010-04-20
ISS Photo Contest 2010, UW-Madison

Best in Show 2010, International Culture

Taiwanese Psychics (2009), Yain-Ming Chen


其中台灣乩童(2009)這張得到 International Culture (國際文化) 首獎!

另外兩張: 長城(2006) 麥城的雪冬(2010); 分別入選該項的前25名。


貼上我在 Facebook 寫的感言:

~得獎相片是在20009年在鹿港天后宮, 媽祖生日前後所拍攝。


男乩童背上其實滿是紅色的鮮血, 雖然我看不出他是否有起乩了?

但是從認知層面而言, 此情此景最能代表我印象裡的台灣文化,

即使只是片斷。下一次請讓我們在明年的 Taste of Taiwan 上,

用無敵的雞排+珍奶征服 UW-Madison 的天空~ (笑)~

更多的沒有提到的背後是自己思索著對於 [台灣文化]的認知。


算是跑遍不少地方的我, 決定在 International Culture 這個項目以[台灣]為主題。


自2008年環島之後, 自己對於[台灣]這塊土地產生了強烈的認同感!

所謂人不親, 土親! 自北而南, 從西到東, 都是如此熟悉地活在我的生命裡!

然而, 在尋找參賽的照片時, 卻產生了一種很懊惱的情感:


最後, 在09年的相本裡找到難得的媽祖廟會, 雖然談不上什麼重大的文化盛事;

這些乩童揮舞大刀棍棒, 紅色鮮血流在皮膚上的露骨畫面,

是我從小懂事以來像個印記一樣的畫面, 就印在腦袋裡不曾離去。

我很慶興自己在選擇台灣文化的相片時, 還至少能找到除了[夜市]以外的題材,



對於此, 台灣文化而言, 我想這是一個比[環島]還更為重要的一個[事件集]需要去做更深度的體會!



OK思緒整理了一番, 接著談另外兩張。


題外話是三張內長城曾偷偷發佈在 旅遊相本 裡; 另外兩張則算是首次在網路上公開!

Great Wall (2006)

長城(2006) 是自己頗為滿意的風景相片之一;

刻意用黑白去突顯相片的線條與層次, 讓視覺焦點沿著長城一直相連到天邊~

近來我在後製的處理上時常會選擇以黑白表示, 不曉得是不是種病啊? (笑)

另外偷偷廣告一下, 我其實一直都有更新 旅遊相本, 目前已經攻到第94卷囉 (2008年10月)~


Eagle Heights (2010)

這是先前宿舍的外面, 當時前天晚上麥城下了一場超級大的"暴風雪";

用颱風來形容就是強烈颱風了, 然後一大早起床看窗戶外!

天啊! 怎麼每台車都成蛋糕車了?




OK, 大致是這樣。



對於現狀呢, 不是很滿意也不算很討厭!!

不滿意的就是美國的人文紀實題材, 目前還找不到個切入點!!





數位135系統嘛, 自己以為近幾年也就是這麼一回事了~

除了3D 化之外, 真還想不出能有什麼感動的進步!?

最後, 真的是最後了...

沒想到攝影之路己步入第十年了! 想想人生, 能有多少個十年能浪費呢?

現在的我真的笑了! 在2001年的春天, 我堅持買下相機記錄生命的那股衝動。
Canon Quality Issues2009-06-08
youcantcanon >> Thank to Wendy's logo.

Canon Quality Issues

I am tired of Canon's quality problems in DSLR, so I collect a List of quality issues made by Canon itself. If possible, please forward this article to concerned person.  I wish Canon's manager will feel embarrassed after reading.

佳能的品質問題實在很讓人頭痛, 身為一個終端的消費者, 我決定開一張 QA-品質異常單 給佳能,

請用任何方式轉發, 希望佳能的管理者看到之後會覺得臉紅

* All Images are searched from photo-related forums. I have added the Orignal URL to the Links, and if you concern my use of  image, please mail me. Thank you.  *

* 所有圖片皆取材於攝影相關論壇; 除提供原始連結外, 若您對圖片的使用有異議, 請來信告之. 感謝! *

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[18_100] 原來是充電器2009-03-29


前幾個月重金入手 Sanyo Eneloop 低自放電池 (不便宜耶!), 把原本的 Sanyo 2700 給老媽用~

(ps. 前陣子教老媽玩 QV-3000, 老媽第一次玩數位很樂!)

不過這低自放的電池怎麼到我手裡只有猛過一次啊? ...就是剛買回來那次?

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FuJian Tulou2009-03-14

Fujian Tulou, UNESCO ; 25 images

"The nearest UNESCO site  of Taiwan"

I got a peaceful afternoon through my lens here...

Albums Link → Fujian Tulou

Equips: Canon 1D3, Canon 5D ; TS-E24L, EF16-35L II, TS-E90

ChiHu, FuJian, China ; 35 images.

I want to believe that my grand-grand-father was from here, ChiHu.

I have confirmed that Ancient Taiwan was linked to this place, ChiHu.

AlbumsChiHu Image

BIRDY 周年2009-02-01

BIRDY LX 一週年紀念

有些夢想是為他而生; 他就是我的愛駒 - BIRDY (鳳凰號)

一年多來, 不但陪我在上海巷弄裡鑽來鑽去; 還見證了我的第一個人生大夢-單車環島; 更讓我灰色的備考日子多了些色彩~

這一篇是寫 BIRDY 和我的故事, 今年我們會一起踏上新大陸~

器材: Canon 1D3 + TS-E 90

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Private Content
TOPEAK DynaPack 蛋蛋包2008-04-02

Topeak Dynapack 蛋蛋包

還沒買鳳凰號前, 在板上爬文時就常看到蛋蛋包蛋蛋包, 到底什麼是蛋蛋包呢??

後來改裝完鳳凰號才發現, 原來這就是蛋蛋包啊!!?

話說蛋蛋包也陪我21天走透透, 現在還被老媽改造成 GTI 式樣囉! (嘿嘿~)

今天就來聊聊凰鳳號 Topeak Dynapack 蛋蛋包的故事。

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各位關心我的鄉親父老, 麥大叔環島成功啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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黃山 #30張相片

「 薄海內外, 無如徽之黃山。登黃山, 天下無山, 觀止矣!」

明代旅行家徐霞客遊覽黃山後的讚嘆... 的確, 被稱為"天下第一奇山"的黃山, 無愧於此評!!

迄今, 「五嶽歸來不看山, 黃山歸來不看嶽。」吸引著從四面八方的旅行家, 文學家, 畫家和攝影家。

黃山拜訪於2007年的秋天, 在這兒感受屬於秋季的藝術氣氛與激情!!

身為攝影的愛好者, 必須坦承黃山是個戰鬥指數100的攝影環境;

無法預測的雲霧控制著黃山的形貌; 時而壯麗, 時而虛幻...

我要用攝影, 描寫有中國山水畫精神的黃山....

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Lowepro Rover AW II 入手2007-08-16

背包, 任務開始.

NEW: Lowepro Rover AW II (入手價 NT3,500)

OLD: JackWolfskin Fushion

想了想, 我還是喜歡兩層式的...

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↑上圖: 海馬牌雙層腳踏墊 Made in Taiwan

VW Polo 新裝備

話說馬大哈兔在12月初返台時, 行李箱中塞的最大的部品就是這個海馬牌踏墊。

Yahoo拍賣入手, 入手價1,800元。

想想就這麼幾塊塑膠布, 要1,800實在是小貴... (老爸說只要1,500..)


想用海馬牌主因是老家裡的白polo也是海馬牌, 習慣了蜂窩狀的視覺效果。

放在陽台曬了好幾天, 把會致命的塑膠味消除後,

DIY 安裝到 polo~ 共三張圖,   

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Taiwan Travel Blog 台灣旅行部落圈

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12_01 Made in Taiwan2004-12-01

MIT >> 2004/12/01(Wed)07:57

041201.jpg 380×578 58K

-- MIT --

今天拿起YT兄的耐吉帽一瞧~ 哇塞! 是「Made in Taiwan」耶!
超不可思議的;由其是在2004年,買到made in Taiwan的衣物類物品;

買任何東西的時候,我很注重產地。而且; 也以Made in Taiwan為榮...(哈!)

-- 放晴 --

開心 :)

-- 佳句 --




廻 響

10_21 忙 ( n→∞ ) 2004-10-21

忙 ( n→∞ ) >> 2004/10/21(Thu)15:17

041022.jpg 349×478 54K

( 18:30的舊城廣場,迷人的天空, by Z4)

-- 忙( n → ∞ ) --

講電話罵到吼出來,Key mail到枕手蓋都是溼的...

-- 波丹提 --



「哇咧~ 什麼都不剩!!」


「 Many Taiwanese came, they took out almost everything here!」

傻掉,機八毛,台客什麼時候變這麼強! 我怎麼不曉得?



-- 熬夜 --




廻 響

08_26 撿蘑菇嗎2004-08-26

>>撿蘑菇嗎 >> >> 2004/08/26(Thu)23:00

「Did you pick up mushroom before?」




然後,反過來問我:「And you? how about Taiwanese?」

靠! 這可就問倒我了...

我跟他說,「我們不撿蘑菇的。只撿木頭喔!」 (小聲:其實是沒有蘑菇吧,汗!)

>> 這是生長在水泥都市的我們沒辦法想像的畫面吧...

撿蘑菇嗎? 別逗了,專心上班吧。


廻 響

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