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Max Chen2015-08-01

>> 中文版

Hey~ Nice to meet you~

I'm Max Chen <u870820@gmail.com>, an engineer, backpacker, photographer, web programmer, and blogger.

I have an M.S in Industrial System Engineering from UW-Madison, and I've worked at ASUSTek Inc., PEGATRON corp., and now Hankscraft Inc.. In the past, I did research in the UW-Madison Naturalistic Decision Making and Simulation Lab with Dr. Douglas Wiegmann , and at the Waisman Center. My research interests were focused on User Experience, Aviation Safety and Patient Safety.

I am a professional in project management and quality engineering, and I enjoy working on "complex problem" projects with hard to identify root causes or projects involving with cross-functional teams. I make a living by utilizing my knowledge and experience in both the quality and manufacturing fields. I am also a certified six sigma black belt of the American Society for Quality.

I was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and I have lived in Prague, Czech for 2 years, Shanghai, China for 3 years, and I now live in Madison, Wisconsin. Traveling and seeing the world is what brings excitement to me in life. While traveling I found a passion for photography. Taking photos and sharing what I have seen has become my treasure. In 2003 I launched a blog to present my photography.

In my free time, I like to do web programming. After not finding a photo album service I liked, I decided to code on for myself, it is called Max Chen Photo Database. It was just a start, my other web application could be found here(mandarin). In addition, my latest web project isPlace.Report which utilized Google Maps API and Facebook Graph API, a data-mining informative service.

In mid 2015, I started a new adventure with Ting-Li Lin. We set up snowforest, a company specialzing in architecture photography and beyond. snowforest's mission is to deliver artful images and to ensure every customer is satisfied. snowforest is a new challenge and a new chance to us, and I devote myself in it and like to picture a wonderful future with it.

In my leisure time, I enjoy swimming, running, reading, watching movies, and playing games. I am not good at writing, but I will try my best to record thoughts, studies, and stories in here. I would like to share my life experiences with my friends and future generations. Someday, we will become someones' memory, and here is the best place to remember me.

Below is a list of social medias I am using. Let's exchange our thoughts via:


twitterfacebook: mandarin

Edited by Max Chen on Oct 10, 2016. Thank you Tara for proof reading.

Max and his camera.
Max was waiting to take a sunset

Max in Grand Canyon.
Max in Grand Canyon.

Tingli and I were at Grand Teton
Max and Tingli were at Grand Teton.

Solo in Motion2016-05-06

Solo in Motion from snowforest on Vimeo.

Solo in Motion
飛了一個多月之後, 總算是完成一個空拍的作品。

我在Madison空拍的感覺和街頭人文攝影一樣的是, 都是得早早起,
趁著天剛剛亮, 大家都還沒搞清楚發生什麼事的時候, 趕緊鎖定目標, 搞定拍完。

我在做分鏡順序的時候特別比對了音樂起伏, 這個作品也是我第一次做分鏡調色。
之前出旅遊作品的時候, 我有刻意把整批的照片用成同一色系, 分鏡調色的概念則差不多。

好吧, 先寫到這算是記錄這個moment...
而影片中有Wisconsin, Capitol, Bascom Hall 還有 UW Observatory的空拍, 是想呈現的特色。
Street View | Trusted Photographer2015-08-22
Street View Trusted | Trusted Photographer

Do you want to apply the Google Street View technology to show your business to the world? Try below sample:

Jade Mountain Café
2611 E Johnson St, Madison, WI 53704

Ting-Li Lin and Max Chen (myself), who founded Snowforst.co, are helping Wisconsin local business to spread their visibility! Although they are both Google Trusted Photographers, their photography capabilities is way beyond than this.

I am currently marketing Google Street View services in most towns in Sauk county, like: Sauk City, Baraboo, Reedsburg and Wisconsin Dells area. If you see me stop by your business store, don't be surprised. I see your potential and would like to help promote your store. I believe Street View for business is a great marketing tool for local business for the below reasons:

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PHP MySQL DB 資料庫網站開發2016-02-18

最近忙著和Google Maps API奮鬥, 想寫一個跟街景有關的資料庫網站。(好痛苦啊! DOM完全不熟的說!)
不過今天突然心血來潮, 想回顧自己到底寫過幾組完整的PHP+MySQL網站,也一併回顧自己寫程式的來時路。

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Virtual Tour Mobile-Friendly2015-08-15
This post also posted in Virtual Tour Mobile-Friendly Test

This article is going to compare 5 visual tour services using five common mobile friendly test tools on the internet. These 5 virtual tour services are the most common marketing providers in the North America real estate industry, including: Circlepix, Paradym(VisualTour) ,matterportMy Visual Listingtruplace, TourBuzz. And the 5 mobile friendly test tools will be used are: W3C mobile Checker, MobiReady, Google Developer Tools: Mobile-Friendly TestPageSpeed Insights and Wave.


After reviewing the result, I would rank these five virtual tour services as: truplace, matterport, tourbuzz, paradym, my visual listings and the last, circlepix.

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Why Realtors need a floor plan2015-07-29

A floor plan makes your real estate listing unique

As a successful Realtor, you may already know how important the listing photos could help you in attracting buyers’ eyes, and make them move to you. It is no longer a secret in the real estate market. But, do you ever see a floor plan was included in an MLS website? Rarely. I would say only 1 out of 500 listings would have a floor plan. Frankly speaking, expense to create a floor plan is the reason that why a Realtor could not be able to provide one, although, according to Realtors.com, there are still over than 80% of home buyers would like to have a floor plan of those interested properties on hand, and would love to see an interactive floor plan with little icons with pop-up photos. Luckily, if you are the Realtors in south central Wisconsin, your problem is solved. As a professional engineer, I am able to create relatively precise floor plans with a low cost at $99 (per floor or 1,600sqft) that can be included in your listing material. Follow up, let me tell you how a floor plan could effectively increase your selling power.

On an open-house day

Printed floor plan will be a very impressive handout for home buyers on an open-house day. A buyer may consider much more than you thought. He may think about where to relocate his piano or fitness equipment, or is he able to move his large items to the basement? What dimension is the kitchen? What width is the hallway or the stair? All these kind of questions reveals that why a floor plan on hand will be helpful. By answering these questions with a precise dimension, will definitely reveal your professionals. People will be impressed by you. Moreover, buyers with a floor plan can explore the home on their own. Just figuring it like exploring a corn maze in your childhood. It can provide a unique customer experience for quiet customers. After the open-house event, people will remember the property because you were the one who hand them a specific floor plan other than a brochure, and then, you will be picked up. This counts for everything.

Interactive floor plan

Buyers are not able to picture the layout of a property if photos are the only content provided. Beautiful and bright photos have become a standard marketing tool in this market, so you must create an unusual user experience on the internet to help you market a property. Providing a visual tour with slideshows and videos is an option, but do you know that most visual tour services are outdated. Nowadays, people tend to use mobile devices to surfing on the internet even when they are at home. This is also a reason that why as a Realtor need to reconsider about implementing an interactive floor plan on their website. Just browse your visual tour service with your mobile device, and compare it with ours here. The snowforest.co interactive floor plan embed with photos is the best among all visual tour services. Prospective buyers will be able to know where and what this photo was taken, and it help them to build up a visual sense of a whole property, and then the most important of all, the interactive floor plan bring buyers to you.

Again, why do you Realtors need a floor plan? Is it worth to invest? An analysis done by Redfin Corp., a Seattle-based brokerage, indicated that listing better photos is worth than $1,000 or more. There is no official study that tells you how a floor plan will be worth at, however, being able to provide a mobile friendly visual tour and help home buyers to decide whether to keep or eliminate a property on their “wish-to-see-list”. If a virtual tour service, such as snowforest.co, has done very well, it is much more likely that the property will be kept in the list, and you will be called. This way develops a positive cycle, not only buyers and you will be able to save tons of time, and benefit you in multi-ways, including customer sanctification, website statistics and average time in the sell. So, why not include a floor plan in your marketing material?


Google 推薦攝影師2015-10-13
Google 推薦攝影師服務

你想要採用Google街景的服務, 展示你的生意嗎? 試試下面的例子

Jade Mountain Café 玉山咖啡
2611 E Johnson St, Madison, WI 53704

2005年中成立 snowforest LLC 的挺立與我(麥大叔), 目前皆為Google推薦攝影師, 我們目前正在協助威斯康辛本地的小型企業拓展他們的能見度, 包括了本地的中西式餐館, 禮品店, 婚紗店, 廚具店, 剌青店, 水煙店...等各式小生意作坊。

若你也是威斯康辛當地的華人, 經營一間實體店鋪, 歡迎您與我們連繫, 我們會協助您理解 Google 街景幫助推展店鋪的相關內容。

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Google Maps Sticker2015-10-01

Google Maps Sticker

最近剛完成了 Google Maps 的 window sticker,

整體設計的概念是藉著使用者經驗, 透過類似的圖像而去連結 Google Maps 的一個概念。

稍稍修改了一個 Pegman 的圖示, 加上 Google Maps 的 有名標示紅Pin; 最後放在三色地圖的底圖上。

文字訊息維持 simple is the best 的原則, 只宣傳需要傳遞的訊息。

然後之前寫的縮網址+QR-Code功能URL Shorten總算派上用場啦, 加上QR-code 在地宣傳 snowforest

about max22007-04-12

About Yain-Ming Chen (Max Chen) ; 關於我 (麥大叔)  @ ymc2.com

2015-NOW 共同創辦人, snowforest LLC.
2011-NOW 品質長, 美商漢科電機
2009-2010 工業工程碩士, 威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校 University of Wisconsin-Madison
2002-2008 工程師/高工/課長, 華碩電腦
1998-2002 工業工程與工程管理學系, 國立清華大學

麥大叔, 別名馬克斯陳, 出生於80年代的台北鄉下。
小學三年級開始接觸電腦, 然後在20歲的時候, 買了第一部數位相機, 開始攝影之路。
年少時期, 母親很愛帶我出門走走, 因此非常熱愛旅遊, 深信讀萬卷書不如行萬里路;
平時喜歡嚐試新事物, 新知識與新科技, 另位對於電玩遊戲有狂熱可能。
一直以工業工程的專長在社會上混口飯吃, 專精於專案管理、品質工程與工廠改善。
在2009年前往美國就讀研究所, 畢業後選擇留在美國打拼, 迄今仍是很不捨家鄉的親友。
而後在2015年, 與朋友一起開創攝影師副業, 期望能做給自己不一樣的選擇。

連繫方式: u870820@gmail.com

--Edited on October 01, 2015 --

在大學時曾上過一門課 - 通識護照, 在這門課中我學會了兩個名詞:

1. 生命的執著
2. 自我博物館

2001年, 挖掘到自己生命中的執著 = 攝影。
2003年, 成立了屬於自己的博物館 = max2.tw -> ymc2.com (from 2010)。

授課的王俊秀教授曾說, 每個人都是天生的說故事高手, 而這些故事和他本身的執著有關, 對他而言; 是「面具」。

對現在的我來說, 是旅行和攝影。
用攝影, 留住旅行的視野。
再透過網路, 分享旅途的感動。

逐漸地, 變成在網路上刻文字的部落客。
我的命宮帶有天馬星, 雖然不想向命運低頭,
但仍然躲不掉四處奔波的宿命, 從捷克然後中國, 離家千百里;
於是有一天, 踏平世界的每寸土地, 成為自己發夢的引子。
佩服那群為了夢想踏上旅途的勇士, 也期許自己成為他們的一份子...
我深信, 那個時候已即將來臨...

--Edited on April 12, 2007 --
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