Display 861-867, Total 867 data, 2024-05-19
Change is for the better

很久沒寫些什麼了, 沈迷於遊戲無法自拔。

手術後, 維持身體健康是我的中心任務。

但仔細想想我似乎不怎麼快樂, 也許表面是快樂的。

日昨挺立發了一個 Ted Talk 給我,

What makes a good life

看完我竟然有點想哭的感覺, 原來我的 relationship 是不快樂的原因。

儘管我自認做了很多努力, 但終究在近幾年... 哎 找不到適當的詞來描述我的感受。

很感謝支持我的朋友們, 薇喬的天使卡告知我 Change is for the better

我的身心靈在這些年受傷, 強大, 接下來要改變。

點擊開啟全景圖 Click for PANORAMA

上圖: Devil's Lake 惡魔湖全景圖

麥大叔從2015年 Google Trusted Photographer 開始學全景攝影的相關技術。
然後今年開始空拍全景攝影, 感覺起來比空拍Video更有臨場感。
我想了想也是時候把網站做個小改版, 可嵌入全景圖的閱讀。

大致試用了幾種, 最終打算採用 Photo-Sphere-Viewer 的精簡版本,
語法精簡, 客戶端網頁宣告1-2個變數就可以生成, 而主引擎用 three.js 效能也相對較好。


最後覺得很奇怪的是: 為什麼html5 不支援直接播放全景圖呢?? 難不成要等到 html6嗎?

Private Content
Part 107 Drone Pilot Test 經驗2019-04-11
聽說兩年要再renew一次, 趕緊寫下心得:

下午剛考過88, 由於考前凖備材料是胡亂看的, 所以實戰完之後較有感。
周二早預約考試, 周五無考試服務。就硬著頭皮周四3PM上了。



a) 氣象報告 METAR/TAR 解讀 (只要知道考試手冊裡的那幾頁即可)

b) Sectional Chart (考試的圖表都是從考試手冊而來, 題目有下)
- Legend 圖例, 就有很多答案了
- BCDEG Airport and its Airspace; 需要相當程度的理解, 領空地板和天花板。
- 地域活動時是否需通報ATC, 可飛行的高度,
- 特別區域 Prohibited, Restricted, MOA, Alerted, MTR, National XX 的關鍵, 限高等
- TRA (Terminal Restrcited Area) 適用對像, 和發佈條件, 情況。
- 經緯度判讀: 一格=1分; 每度有60分。
- 機場通信電台 CTAF (標示黑底白C) 判定

c) 詳細法規內容: Part 107法規條款最好實際讀一次 (這次只看了summary)
- 例如什麼情況在海外註冊的無人機, 同時會需要在美國註冊? (仍未知, 也不想知道)
- 搬家改住址要幾天內通知FAA (我猜錯了, 這題)

d) Aviation Safety: Risk Management & Aeronautical decision making
不曉得為什麼, 我的題目好多這類, 而且都沒看過。

e) 飛機動力學與起降
- CG forward (前) vs CG aft(後):
控制: 穩定 | 較不穩
失速恢復: 易操作 | 較不易
巡航速度: 不高 | 高
失速速度(stall): 高 | 不高
AOA (攻角): 高 | 不高
- Load factor 在飛行中增加, 會??
- Rudder -> Yaw (這次的第一題, 天吶)
- Stall (考一堆的意思是去學開飛機嗎?)
- 機場和駕駛員通話判定飛機位置 (這次沒被抽到這類的考題)

f) 氣象知識
- Lenticular (UFO雲)表示:
- 冷熱空氣和 density
- (不)穩定大氣比較等

連結是2018年的考試手冊, 考場會給一本, 就靠他了。有一些圖示

其它就是挺立兄貼的Youtube教學連結, FAA的手冊, 3dR考題範例
我早上有在網路上挖些題庫, 還是有些用的。

以上, 兩年後再見。

照片是三年半前影片的截圖, 用的是3dr solo + Gopro Hero4的組合。
在這個月初, 麥大叔帶爸媽去歐洲玩的行前凖備, 洋洋灑灑二十多頁。
配合精美的地圖規劃, 簡直是我至今為止旅行功力的一次火力展現。
同時因為有空拍的需求, 所以一併全部做在一起。
在地面先做好的前期偵察作業, 基於此的再進化。
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2022 網站改版預備2022-06-28

貼一張十年前的照片, 然後網站要改版了!!
Max Chen2015-08-01

>> 中文版

Hey~ Nice to meet you~

I'm Max Chen <u870820@gmail.com>, an engineer, backpacker, photographer, web programmer, and blogger.

I have an M.S in Industrial System Engineering from UW-Madison, and I've worked at ASUSTek Inc., PEGATRON corp., and now Hankscraft Inc.. In the past, I did research in the UW-Madison Naturalistic Decision Making and Simulation Lab with Dr. Douglas Wiegmann , and at the Waisman Center. My research interests were focused on User Experience, Aviation Safety and Patient Safety.

I am a professional in project management and quality engineering, and I enjoy working on "complex problem" projects with hard to identify root causes or projects involving with cross-functional teams. I make a living by utilizing my knowledge and experience in both the quality and manufacturing fields. I am also a certified six sigma black belt of the American Society for Quality.

I was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and I have lived in Prague, Czech for 2 years, Shanghai, China for 3 years, and I now live in Madison, Wisconsin. Traveling and seeing the world is what brings excitement to me in life. While traveling I found a passion for photography. Taking photos and sharing what I have seen has become my treasure. In 2003 I launched a blog to present my photography.

In my free time, I like to do web programming. After not finding a photo album service I liked, I decided to code on for myself, it is called Max Chen Photo Database. It was just a start, my other web application could be found here(mandarin). In addition, my latest web project isPlace.Report which utilized Google Maps API and Facebook Graph API, a data-mining informative service.

In mid 2015, I started a new adventure with Ting-Li Lin. We set up Snowforest, a company specialzing in architecture photography and beyond. Snowforest's mission is to deliver artful images and to ensure every customer is satisfied. Snowforest is a new challenge and a new chance to us, and I devote myself in it and like to picture a wonderful future with it.

In my leisure time, I enjoy swimming, running, reading, watching movies, and playing games. I am not good at writing, but I will try my best to record thoughts, studies, and stories in here. I would like to share my life experiences with my friends and future generations. Someday, we will become someones' memory, and here is the best place to remember me.

Below is a list of social medias I am using. Let's exchange our thoughts via:


twitterfacebook: mandarin

Edited by Max Chen on Oct 10, 2016. Thank you Tara for proof reading.

Max and his camera.
Max was waiting to take a sunset

Max in Grand Canyon.
Max in Grand Canyon.

Tingli and I were at Grand Teton
Max and Tingli were at Grand Teton.